
First approach to the management of experimental-computational workflows with Apache Airflow and Docker for a biolab experiment.


  • GIT: to download and manage the source code.

  • Docker: to manage the dependencies and be able to run this example.

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL - only for Windows Users): Install this dependency from Microsof Store (Ubuntu, Alpine, or other). In the last version of Docker this is mandatory to run containers. Please check if exists a File .wslconfig in your user root directory (example: C:UsersUsername), if not, create and add these lines to limit the memory used for the virtual machines (kind of bug in Docker Windows) memory=6GB


After getting all the requirements, clone the repository with the use of GIT:

To get the files from the submodules the workflow depends on, these should be initialized and updated before building the docker containers:

git submodule init

git submodule update


Check if the

Now, go into the newly clones repository, where the docker_compose.yml is. The first step is to initialize Airflow running:

docker-compose up airflow-init

and then generate and start the services by running:

docker-compose up -d

Wait for a few seconds and should be able to access to the KIWI experiment DAGs at http://localhost:8080/.

Log in with user: airflow and password: ** airflow**.


After the airflow installation and service generation, it is necessary to change a global variable for the DAGs to run! Follow the steps in setting configuration variables


The variable host_path must be set in order the DAG to run! Follow the steps in setting configuration variables

Frameworks and Libraries#

The workflow makes use (or will make) of several packages from the KIWI group:

  • DBpandas

  • simm2

  • fitm2

  • mode

  • BVI matlab

  • LinODEnet

These dependencies are automatically installed by Docker through the definition of the docker-compose.yml file and the different images are created via their corresponding Dockerfile as airflow services.